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Peace on Earth, Peace off Earth, Peace with Earth

Make the Space Peace Star Happen Now!

Support the Space Peace Star project with your monthly subscription.

Space Peace Star Passenger:  1 Swiss Franc - CHF - per month.

As a passenger on the magnificent Spaceship Earth, you believe the Space Peace Star is important to the future of our civilization and you want to make sure it stays on course. You will receive a regular SPS Newsletter and all project updates and announcements as they happen.

Space Peace Star Crew Member:  5 Swiss Francs - CHF - per month.

As a member of the Space Peace Star Crew on Spaceship Earth you will be invited to join our private Space Peace Star Forum so your ideas can be shared and discussed. You will also receive the regular SPS Newsletter to keep you up-to-date on project developments.

Space Peace Star Pilot:  10 Swiss Francs - CHF - per month.

As one of the Space Peace Star Pilots your job will be to help develop strategies and technologies to keep the Space Peace Star on course. You will be in regular contact with the commanders on the bridge of Spaceship Earth navigating our development, charting strategy and you will be an important player in the Space Peace Star Forum.


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